Yemen offers condolences to Morocco over fall of casualties in earthquake

Yemen offers condolences to Morocco over fall of casualties in earthquake


The Republic of Yemen expressed its sincere condolences sympathy to the Kingdom of Morocco and to the families of the victims of the earthquake that struck a number of Moroccan cities, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. In a press statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed the solidarity of the Republic of Yemen with the Kingdom of Morocco in this painful tragedy, asking God Almighty to have mercy on the victims and a speedy recovery for the injured, and to spare the Kingdom of Morocco from all evil and harm. The number of victims of the earthquake that struck Morocco yesterday evening, Friday, rose to 822 dead and 672 injured, including 205 in serious condition, according to the country's Ministry of Interior. The National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, based in Rabat, stated that the magnitude of the earthquake reached seven degrees on the Richter scale, and the head of the department of the Moroccan National Institute of Geophysics said that the earthquake, which struck southwest of Marrakesh, was the most violent in a century.


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