MASAM: 840 landmines and unexploded ordnance dismantled in one week

MASAM: 840 landmines and unexploded ordnance dismantled in one week

The "Masam" demining project in Yemen dismantled last week 840 landmines, unexploded ordnance and explosive devices, laid by the foreign-backed Houthi terrorists in different parts of the country.

The project said thus far, the total number of landmines removed since the beginning of this month has risen to 3362.

It stated that Masam engineers removed 800 unexploded ordnance and 38 anti-tank mines during the past week, bringing the total since the beginning of January until today to 3172 unexploded ordnance and 166 anti-tank mines.

It pointed out that since the beginning of the month, MASAM teams have been able to decontaminate 1,032,421 square meters of Yemeni lands.

The terrorist Houthi militia continues to plant landmines and explosive devices especially in areas close to the front lines, which poses a major threat to the lives of Yemeni civilians .

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