Journalists condemn UN envoy's meeting with Houthi senior militant implicated in rights abuses and war crimes

Journalists condemn UN envoy's meeting with Houthi senior militant implicated in rights abuses and war crimes

Journalists recently released from Houthi prisons in Yemen are condemning the UN envoy's meeting with Abdul Qader Al-Murtada, a Houthi leader implicated in human rights abuses and war crimes. Al-Murtada, head of the Central Security Camp prison in Sana'a, has been sanctioned by the US Treasury for torturing prisoners, including journalists ¹.

Abdulkhaleq Omran, one of the released journalists, slammed the meeting as "dangerous" and "condemned" saying it reveals unacceptable leniency towards perpetrators of war crimes and human rights abuses. Omran emphasized that justice isn't achieved by negotiating with executioners, but by holding them accountable for brutal crimes ¹.

Tawfiq Al-Mansouri, another released journalist, expressed shock and disappointment, stating that the meeting promotes impunity and disregards victims' suffering. Al-Mansouri questioned how the UN could ignore Al-Murtada's crimes and engage in dialogue with him ¹.


The journalists demand the UN and international community take a firm stance against colluding with perpetrators and granting them legitimacy. They urge the legitimate government to pressure the UN to stop practices that legitimize impunity and promote injustice.

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