Ibb: Houthi militia attacks merchants and vendors and kidnaps others over nefarious tax objections

Ibb: Houthi militia attacks merchants and vendors and kidnaps others over nefarious tax objections

The terrorist Houthi militia attacked vendors and traders in a commercial market in Ibb Governorate, central Yemen, amid daily violations it practices in various governorates under its armed control.

Local sources told "Al-Sahwa Net" that armed elements affiliated with the Houthi militia carried out a new campaign of nefarious taxes and attacks against vendors and traders in the Habish junction market in Al-Makhader District, north of Ibb Governorate, two weeks after a previous campaign of the same taxes was halted.

The sources added that the militia imposed financial levies on vendors and traders, which were widely rejected, coinciding with the stagnation suffered by local markets.

The sources indicated that the militia kidnapped a number of merchants who refused to pay the financial levies, accusing them of leading a rebellion of vendors and merchants to reject the Houthi taxes.

Activists circulated video records of armed Houthi militiamen assaulting vendors in the market, coinciding with gunfire in the main market of the Habish Junction area.

The disastrous practices of the Houthi militia and the exorbitant illegal taxes it imposes on the commercial sector in Ibb have led to the closure of their shops and the migration of some of them abroad, while others have declared bankruptcy.

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