The Islah party condemned the terrorist Houthi militia's continued commission of all crimes and violations of the rights of civilians and the attack on their property and rights guaranteed by the Constitution and law, calling for work to stop it and bring its perpetrators to justice.
This came in a statement issued by the party's Legal Department.
The statement condemned the continuation of the Houthi kidnapping and detention of hundreds of political activists, media, academics, citizens, employees of local and international organizations, women, businessmen, as well as celebrants of national holidays.
She stressed the need for defenders of rights and freedoms to condemn the crimes of systematic torture, confiscate the right of families to visit their relatives, reveal their fate to their families and stop their financial and moral extortion, trade in their humanity, loot their money and companies, and torture their homes. by obsolescence, and will hold its perpetrators and those responsible accountable sooner or later.
The department called on the leadership Council, the Government, the Attorney General and the relevant authorities to take the legal measures authorized by the Constitution and by law to protect its citizens in all areas under the control of the Houthi militia.