A child injured by Houthi shell in Haifan district in Yemen's Taiz city

A child injured by Houthi shell in Haifan district in Yemen's Taiz city

A child was seriously injured as a result of Houthi militia fired mortar shell on the Al-Dhabab area in in Haifan district, south of Yemen's Taiz Governorate.
Eyewitnesses told Al-Sahwa Net that the Houthi Shia militants stationed in the strategic Mount of Al-Mandharah fired a mortar shell that landed on one of the people’s farms in the Al-Dhabab area in Haifan district.
The witnesses said that the child, Ajmal Jamil Abdo Saleh Al-Athuri, 11 years old, was seriously injured as a result of flying shell fragments while he was on the farm.

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