Al-Audaini: Closing the militia's media platforms is to protect society and support peace efforts

Al-Audaini: Closing the militia's media platforms is to protect society and support peace efforts

The deputy head of the media department of the Yemeni Islah party, Adnan al-Audaini, welcomed the locking of media platforms affiliated with the Houthi militia.

Al-Audaini confirmed, in a tweet on Twitter, that what the Houthi media platforms are doing makes their closure a welcome matter to protect society and generations and support peace efforts.

The deputy head of Al-Islah Media Department pointed out to what the media platforms affiliated with the Houthi militia linked to Iran are doing, broadcasting poisons of terrorism and trapping society with sectarian mobilization, spreading hatred and systematically inciting violence.

And the YouTube platform announced yesterday, Monday, the closure of 18 canals affiliated with the Houthi militia, for publishing content that opposes community guidelines and incites violence.

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