Death of a prisoner in Houthi prisons in Sana'a

Death of a prisoner in Houthi prisons in Sana'a

A Yemeni military officer has died in the prisons of the terrorist Houthi militia in the hijacked capital, Sana'a.

Sources close to the family of officer Faisal Abdulaziz Abu Ras, told "Al-Sahwa Net" that they had received a report from the Houthi militia stating his death.

Faisal Abu Ras, "a native of Ibb province," was one of the officers of the Al-Fateh Brigade stationed in Saada province, and was captured during the battles that took place against the Houthi militia on the fronts of the province.

Dozens of prisoners and abductees died in Houthi prisons in the capital, Sana'a, as a result of the psychological and physical torture they were subjected to.


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