Houthi militia impose house arrest on students of Tawheed Center in Ibb

Houthi militia impose house arrest on students of Tawheed Center in Ibb

The terrorist Houthi militia have prevented the students of Al-Tawhid Center from leaving Ibb Governorate, after expelling them from the center and seizing it by force.

The sources said that the militia prevented the students of Al-Tawhid Center from leaving the city, imposed house arrest on them, and circulated their names at the militia's outlets and check points to arrest them in the event of leaving the governorate.

The sources reported that a number of the center's students were kidnapped last week, after storming the Al-Tawhid Mosque and robbing it by force, expelling the 400 students, and turning it into a radicalization center for the Shiit terrorist militia's followers.


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