Houthi terrorists bomb shell a house in Taiz, kill and injure 12 civilians

Houthi terrorists bomb shell a house in Taiz, kill and injure 12 civilians

Houthi terrorists shelled a house in Yemen's central governorate of Taiz killing and injuring 12 civilians on Saturday, the second day in the Eid Al-Fitr Holiday.

One local source and one medical source told Saba, "12-year-old Najwa Hassan (young girl), Mohammed Al-Hubayshi, and his sister Maryam were killed in Houthi shelling on a house in Almajash Al-A'ala village in Mawze'a district west of Taiz" when Houthi terrorists fired mortar rounds on the house.

Nine other civilians who happened to be there in a  social gathering were critically wounded and are now in an intensive care unit in the neighboring Mokha district.

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