Tihami elite reiterate the necessity of liberating Hodeidah from Houthis

Tihami elite reiterate the necessity of liberating Hodeidah from Houthis

The political and social elite of Yemen's northwestern region of Tihama have reiterated their longstanding demand for liberating Hodeidah province, a main part of Tihama, from the control of the terrorist Houthi militia.

Activists representing all Yemen's political parties and social orientations in Tihama organized a seminar in Marib last evening to discuss the bad consequences of the internationally engineered Stockholm Agreement which consolidated the Shiit militia's control on the Red Sea strategic city and afforded a mantle of authority for them to loot Hodeidah revenues, destroy the local infrastructure, turn Hodeidah to a landmine farm and, above all, commit an endless string of massacres and other grave against the local population.  

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