Houthi militia allocates $7 million to the families of its slain militants

Houthi militia allocates $7 million to the families of its slain militants

Yemeni local sources accused the Houthis of allocating about $7 million to be spent on the families of their slain militants during the past week, as the militia monopolize the resources of institutions and revenues from taxes, customs and other royalties.

This comes at a time when reports by UN organizations confirm that a Yemeni child dies every ten minutes due to malnutrition, and as international warnings mount that hunger is still on an alarming rise in Yemen, as more than half of the population needs urgent humanitarian aid this year.

In this context, the terror group's self-styled "Committee for the Care About the Martyrs' Families" has declared the disbursement of Eid clothing and cash sums to the families of the slain militants, and wounded and missing member militants in 6 Yemeni cities, in addition to providing a monthly guarantee for the families of militia's followers, in the amount of three and a half billion riyals.

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