Nefarious Houthi taxes raise prices of chicken by 30% in the areas under the militia's control

Nefarious Houthi taxes raise prices of chicken by 30% in the areas under the militia's control

The Houthi militia has expanded its targeted persecution against the poultry sector as it imposed a new price increase in chicken prices by 30 percent, with the aim of increasing the suffering of Yemenis, who are now suffering from difficult and critical living conditions.

Informed sources in Sana'a told Asharq Al-Awsat that in the past few days, prior to the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, chicken prices witnessed sudden increases, some of which reached 30 percent or more, in both Sana'a and the rest of the cities under the control of the militia.

The sources stated that the militia's increase in poultry prices also coincided with an unjustified rise in various commodities and consumables in Sana'a and the rest of the areas under the militia's control.


While the sources accused the group's leaders of continuing to create more crises, and to pursue a policy of deliberate starvation and impoverishment against the population, residents in Sana'a complained of the continued rise in poultry prices day after day in their areas, reaching numbers that exceed their purchasing power and their deteriorating living conditions.

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