Man killed by by Houthi-planted landmine in Hodeidah

Man killed by by Houthi-planted landmine in Hodeidah


A man was killed by a mine planted by the terrorist Houthi militia, south of Al-Hodeidah Governorate today, it has been reported.

Local sources said that a young man in his twenties was killed as a result of a mine explosion planted by the terrorist Houthi militia in a village in Al-Jabalia in Al-Tahita District, south of Al-Hodeidah Governorate.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 100 civilians have been killed and injured as a result of mines and explosive devices planted by the Houthi terrorist militia.


The mines planted by the terrorist Houthi militia in several Yemeni governorates have killed and injured thousands of civilians during the years of war, according to human rights statistics.

Some estimates say that the Houthis have planted more than a million landmines since the start of the war, making Yemen the "largest mined country" since World War II.

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