Government strongly condemns Houthi bombing of houses in Sirwah, west of Ma'rib

Government strongly condemns Houthi bombing of houses in Sirwah, west of Ma'rib

The government condemned the terrorist Houthi militia's bombing of homes in Al-Zour district of Serwah district, west of Ma'rib.

The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar Al-Eryani, condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist Houthi militia for blowing up the homes of a number of citizens in the Al-Zour region of the Serwah district of Ma’rib Governorate, including the house of the late Ahmed Nasser Al-Dawla Al-Jahmi, who died five years before the coup, and the displacement of families, including women and children. , in a cowardly barbaric act.

Muammar al-Eryani said in a statement to the Yemeni news agency "Saba", that the Houthi militia's continuation of bombing the homes of its opponents who opposed the coup in Marib governorate and other areas reflects the militia's adversarial position toward calls for calm and revival of the ceasefire, and betrays the Houthis' true face as a terrorist organization.

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